English rock band formed by Shaun Ryder and Bez, former members of Happy Mondays in 1993. They signed to Radioactive Records and released two albums "It's Great When You're Straight...Yeah (1995)" and "Stupid Stupid Stupid (1997)". Their footie song "England's Irie (1996)" featured Joe Strummer of The Clash and British comedian Keith Allen.
イギリスのロック・バンドで元Happy MondaysのShaun RyderとBezによって1993年に結成。彼らはRadioactive Recordsと契約し二枚のアルバム"It's Great When You're Straight...Yeah (1995)" と"Stupid Stupid Stupid (1997)"をリリースしました。彼らのフットボール・ソング"England's Irie (1996)"はThe ClashのJoe StrummerとイギリスのコメディアンKeith Allenが参加。
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