lundi 9 novembre 2020

Clare Wadd🍒a founder of Sarah Records Interview

Bristol, England's Sarah Records (from 1987 to 1995) is a great legendary indie label which is known for such fantastic releases of the 7 inch singles of Another Sunny Day, Blueboy, The Field Mice, Heavenly, The Orchids, The Sea Urchins, St. Christopher, The Wake by Matt Haynes and Clare Wadd. Let's talk about Sarah with Clare!

イングランドはブリストルのSarah Records (1987年から1995年)は素晴らしい伝説のインディ・レーベルでAnother Sunny Day, Blueboy, The Field Mice, Heavenly, The Orchids, Sea Urchins, St. Christopher, The Wakeなどの素敵な7インチ・リリースで知られていて、Matt Haynes氏とClare Waddさんによって運営されました。SarahについてClareさんに訊きました!

Anorak Cumble : Please tell us about the story of birth of Sarah Records. Why did you decided to start a label ?

Sarah Recordsの誕生ストーリーを教えて下さい。何故レーベルをスタートしようと決めたのですか?

Clare : Well, this is a really really long time ago - but in 1986 I moved to Bristol to study at the university. I had been writing my fanzine, Kvatch, for two years at that point, and before my move I got in touch with the fanzine writers I was aware of in Bristol and we swapped zines and I was looking to find some people there to go to gigs with etc. Matt was one of those fanzine writers and I met him at a gig that November, Primal Scream supporting Julian Cope. He was running Are You Scared To Get Happy? fanzine with his friend Mark and they were part of a flexi label Sha-la-la with some other fanzine writers. I wanted to do a flexi with my new fanzine so I called into his flat to try and find out if I could carry 1,000 flexidiscs or if they would be too big and heavy... and then we started to get to know each other... and then became a couple and then decided to set up a record label. That was in the summer of 1987 and the first record came out in the November of that year. The Sea Urchins had a tape with two songs, Summershine which Sha-la-la picked for a flexidisc they put out, and Cling Film, which I had picked for my flexidisc - and they became the first band on Sarah.

ええと、これは本当に本当に昔の話で、だけど1986年に大学で学ぶ為ブリストルへ引っ越したの。私は二年間Kvatchというファンジンをやっていて、引っ越す前からブリストルのファンジンのライター達を知っていて連絡を取っていたの。私達はジンを交換しあっていて、ブリストルで一緒にギグへ行けることを楽しみにしていたわ。Mattはそのジン・ライターの中の一人で、Primal ScreamがJulian Copeをサポートした11月のギグで彼と会ったの。彼はAre You Scared To Get Happy?ファンジンを彼の友達Markとやっていて、他のライター達とフレキシ・レーベルSha-la-laもやっていたの。私は自分の新しいファンジンと一緒にフレキシもやりたかったので、彼をアパートへ呼んで1,000枚のフレキシディスクを運べるか、大きすぎて重いのか知るため彼のフラットへ呼ばれて…それからお互い知り合いになり始めて…その後カップルとなりレーベルを運営することに決めたの。1987年の夏のことで、初のレコードは同年の11月に発売したわ。The Sea Urchinsが、Sha-la-laフレキシで扱ったSummershineと私のフレキシに入っていたCling Film二曲入りののテープを持っていて。彼らがSarah初のバンドとなったわ。

Anorak Crumble : What are your favourite bands on Sarah Records?  

あなたのSarah Recordsのお気に入りバンドは?

Clare : Matt and I only put records out by bands we absolutely loved, so truly they are all favourites and this is a question we could never answer (and have never answered). Everything, it was our label!

Mattと私は、本当に大好きなバンド達のレコードを出しただけで、なので本当に全てお気に入りなので、私達が答えれない質問だわ (そして一度も答えたことが無いわ)。全てよ、私達のレーベルだったのよ!

Anorak Crumble : Are there good memories or kind of unique episodes of  Sarah Records ?

あなたのSarah Recordsの良い思い出 / 面白いエピソードみたいなものはありますか?

Clare : We ran the label for 8 years so there are lots and lots of good memories, as well as some more difficult ones of course! A lot of the really good memories are of when we heard a band for the first time - often they sent us a tape and it might sit in a pile of tapes for weeks and then we'd play lots of quite bad demos and something amazing would suddenly leap out at us. We'd write and ask bands if we could release their records so we have lots of good memories from when they said yes. Other good memories are of seeing bands play for the first time, of meeting them for the first time, being in the studio with them and hearing new records emerge. And it was always great to hear our records on the radio or to read good reviews of them and so on.


Anorak Crumble : Who made the covers of the record sleeves ?


Clare : Sometimes the bands made the covers, sometimes we did, it really depended what they wanted and if they had a clear idea or if they didn't. If we did them, it was Matt who did the artwork although I was involved in the design of some of them as well. We did the compilations, of course. It tended to be Matt who took the photos if they were our photos - but we sometimes used photos by friends, especially Akiko Yamauchi from Sugarfrost, who is a brilliant photographer and who let us use quite a few of her pictures. She took the original picture of the cherries which became our logo.

時にバンドがジャケを作ったり、時に私達が作ったり。彼らがはっきりとしたアイディアを持っているか否か、彼らの希望次第だったわ。アートワークはMattがやったけど、私も少しデザインを手掛けたわ。もちろんコンピレーションもやったわ。Mattが写真を撮っていたけど、特にブリリアントな写真家SugarfrostのAkiko Yamauchiさんのものとか、時に友達が撮った写真も使ったわ。彼女は私達のロゴとなったサクランボのオリジナル写真を撮ったのよ。

Anorak Crumble : Your partner Matt Haynes started label Shinkansen Recordings in the late- 90's. Did you help him ?

あなたのパートナーMatt Haynesさんは90年代終わりにレーベルShinkansen Recordingsをスタートしましたね。彼をヘルプしましたか?

Clare : Yes, I was a little bit involved in Shinkansen at the start, although less so later on. I worked in the music industry at that point so I helped with the original distribution deal and because obviously the first record was Trembling Blue Stars, I knew them very well. But it was very much Matt's label always.

イエス、私は少しShinkansenの初期に関わっていたけど、その後はあまりやらなかった。その時に音楽会社で働いていたので、ディストリビューションを手伝ったわ。何と言っても初のレコードはTrembling Blue Starsだったので、私は彼らのことをよく知っていて。だけどMattのレーベルだった。

Anorak Crumble : I watched the DVD of the  Documentary "My Secret World : The Story of Sarah Records (Yes Please Productions / 2015)". I felt your love and passion for indie pop music so strongly. (Me too I saved money to run  my Apple Crumble Record shop because I really love music!) Do you believe Love is the most important thing in our life?

Sarah RecordsのドキュメンタリーDVD"My Secret World : The Story of Sarah Records (Yes Please Productions / 2015)"を観ました。あなたのインディ・ポップ・ミュージックに対する愛と情熱を強く感じました。(なぜなら私も音楽が大好きで自分の店アップル・クランブル・レコードを運営するため節約したりしたからです!)人生において愛が一番大切だと思いますか?

Clare : Oh gosh, that's a tough question... I really don't know how to answer that and perhaps it's something that changes at different times in your life too. There are so many different kinds of love - for people, for music or other art, loving what you do - and so much luck about whether you meet someone you love or can do work you love, or have to work to do things you love in your spare time. Perhaps it's a luxury to get to do things you love, or perhaps it's brave (or stupid) to try and live your life like that. I don't know. I feel very fortunate to have been able to run Sarah for 8 years - whilst I know you have to follow your heart and to take a chance to do something like that, I also don't think also don't think everyone gets that chance or has the same good fortune to make it happen.

ああ、タフな質問ね。どのように答えたら良いのか分からないわ、多分それはあなたの人生の様々な時期に変化するものかも知れないし。沢山の種類の愛があるわ、人々の為、音楽やアートの為、自分のやりたいことの為…そして多くの幸運があって…会いたい人に会ったり、やりたい仕事をしたり、もしくは自分の時間を割いて好きなことをやらなければならなかったり…多分、自分の人生をこのようしして生きるのは…好きなことをするのは贅沢なことかも知れない、勇敢なことかも知れない(もしくは馬鹿げたこと) 、分からない。Sarahを八年間続けられたのは凄く幸運だったと思っています、心に従いながら、やれるチャンスがあって。誰もがこんな機会を得られないし同じような幸運も得られないと思うので。

Anorak Crumble : "Popkiss (Bloomsbury Press)" book, written by Canadian author Michael White was published in 2015. It's written the history of Sarah Records. Is this book interesting for you?

カナダの作家Michael White氏が2015年に出版した本"Popkiss (Bloomsbury Press)"は、Sarah Recordsの歴史が書かれていますね。あなたにとって、この本は興味深いものでしたか?

Clare : It's funny to think that Popkiss is 5 years old already - and that means it's 5 years since I read it! But it's a really thorough exploration of the bands and the label and a great read - I think he did a brilliant job. It's still really astonishing to me that there has been both a film and a book about Sarah when we would honestly have expected neither of those things, and I do feel really quite proud about it.


Anorak Crumble : When did you start to listen to indie pop music ?


Clare : I got really into music quite late, I was probably 15 really... and then I started listening to John Peel and other more obscure music shows when I was 16 and then started up my fanzine almost immediately. We wouldn't have said "indie pop" then, but I started listening to quiet a broad range of indie music, some maybe more pop-punk than pop. I guess indie-pop grew out of C86, which started off with quite a lot of angular noisy bands - most of whom I liked - and then started to mean more the pop side..

音楽が好きになったのは遅かったのよ。15才くらいだったかしら…16才でJohn Peelや他のオブスキュアな音楽ショウを聴き始めて、ファンジンを直ぐに始めて。当時"インディ・ポップ"とは言わなくて、静かなインディ・ミュージックを広範囲に聴いて、ポップよりもっとポップ・パンクみたいなのも。インディ・ポップは私が大好きな沢山のノイジーなバンド達が始めたC86から広まったわ。その後よりポップ寄りになり始めたわ。

Anorak Crumble : Please tell us your favourite indie pop bands, except Sarah bands!


Clare : Gosh, where to start! Back in the era of Sarah, I loved the Jesus & Mary Chain, The Pastels, This Poison, The Smiths, Billy Bragg, The Wedding Present... then moving forward in time (but in no particular order) Pet Shop Boys, Spearmint, Delgados, The Catchers, Brian, Hidden Cameras, Stars, Young Romance, Deerful, Arcade Fire, Tompaulin, Allo Darlin', Ballboy, Baxendale, Future Bible Heroes, Kenickie, Magnetic Fields, Low, Cinerama, Withered Hand...

ああ、どこから始めようかしら!Sarahの時に戻ってJesus & Mary Chain, The Pastels, This Poison, The Smiths, Billy Bragg, The Wedding Present... そして後に(特別は順序は無いけれど) Pet Shop Boys, Spearmint, Delgados, The Catchers, Brian, Hidden Cameras, Stars, Young Romance, Deerful, Arcade Fire, Tompaulin, Allo Darlin', Ballboy, Baxendale, Future Bible Heroes, Kenickie, Magnetic Fields, Low, Cinerama, Withered Hand...

Anorak Crumble : What do you think about indie pop all around the world at the moment ?


Clare : I'm a little out of touch to be honest, but it seems like there's still a lot going on and I hope the challenges of the pandemic don't impact it too much. I'm really missing going to gigs and my heart goes out to everyone who makes their living from live music - not just the bands, but the venues and promoters and sound engineers and roadies and so on. I hope everyone will support where they can.


Anorak Crumble : Are you going to run label again ?


Clare : No, never! It was really hard work for 8 years and to my mind it's something to do when you're young and the bands are young. So glad I did it though.


Anorak Crumble : Please have a message for fans of Sarah Records !

Sarah Recordsのファンにメッセージをお願いします!

Clare : Just a thank you really - for the support over the years, for being interested and for buying the records and supporting the music. 


🍒Sarah Records official site :

🍒Sarah Records Bandcamp :

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