jeudi 19 novembre 2020

Roque Ruiz, Cloudberry Records Interview (2009 & 2020)

Part 1●Roque Ruiz, Cloudberry Records Interview (2009)

When did you listen to indie pop for the first time ?


Roque Ruiz : I listened to indie pop music for the first time  when I was 18. I grew up in Peru and listened to a lot of Spanish pops. It's normal they were played on the mainstream radio. Alaska Y Dinarama was one of my favourite Spanish band. Carlos Berlanga, one of the band-member still continued to make music and he released the album on Elefant Records. So I visited the website...there are so many good stuff I've never heard of !  There has never been a clue to Spanish indie pop so I was into them and then post C86 bands, finally. I fell in love with them and obsessed with them too.

「18歳の時だった。ペルーでスパニッシュ・ポップをいっぱい聴いて育った。80年代の終わりから90年代まで、メインストリームのラジオでスパニッシュ・ポップをやっているのは普通な事だった。Alaska Y Dinaramaがお気に入りバンドのひとつだった。そのメンバーのひとりCarlos Berlangaは音楽を作り続けていて、彼はElefantから一度アルバムをリリースした。それでホームページを覗いたら、“僕の聴いたことの無い音楽が沢山ある!”って。スペインのインディポップへの手がかりが無かったんだ。それでのめり込み始めて、遂にポストC86バンドが好きになって、一目惚れして。ホント取り付かれてしまった。」

Please tell us about the birth of Cloudberry Records.

■Cloudberry Recordsの誕生ストーリーを教えて下さい。

Roque Ruiz : I started Cloudberry Records in January 2007 after making C-06 tape that was a wonderful experience. I made tapes very limited. It was featured new bands which have C-86 spirit. It was a small success. 75 copies were sold out in 8 days. I wished I could release this tape on CD. This gave me the energy to create another label. I was busy for running Plastilina Records but wanted to do something different. Most of Plastilina releases were the albums. So I think something new, even if there is a risk, only singles, do it yourself, very DIY, with a beautiful design? So firstly I released Ceelestial and Princess  Nikko. It was well received. I love the band  Cloudberry Jam so I named my label Cloudberry. I wanted to have sweet and dreamy naming. It gave a perfect impression for my label ! My label started like this. I didn't feel like "I'm going to label". There were a lot of great bands I wanted to release because no one was willing to put it out. I have to do it ! At first I thought about the overall operation and planned a small detail, but it became more like a project than a label. I wanted to work towards the goal little by little. Firstly I really enjoyed it. I thought about what to do with the CD sleeve, how to cut it, and how to print it. I bought a lot of glue, scissors, a cutter, etc. It was a wonderful time, Inspired by indie pop from bands, labels and fans. Also from DIY logic, at first as a fan. Really happy when I write a letter to my favorite band. Write as a fan. I got an autograph sometimes. It's very nerdy but indie pop gives me love back.

「素敵な経験となったC-06テープ作りの後、2007年の1月からスタートした。C86スピリットを持った新人バンドを入れた、この小さなテープを超・限定で作った。ちょっとした成功になった。75枚が8日で売り切れになった。或る日このテープをCDでリリースできたらと思った。このことが、他のレーベルをつくろうというエネルギーを僕に与えてくれた。Plastilina Recordsで忙しかったけど、それとは違ったことも、やりたかった。Plastilinaはアルバムがほとんどだから、考えた。リスクはあっても何か新しいことを。シングルだけでも。全て自分でやって、凄くDIYで、美しいデザインで、テープみたいに。それで2007年の2月、最初の2枚のシングル、CelestialとPrincess Nikoをリリースした。好評だった。もちろん僕はCloudberry Jamが大好きだからレーベル名をCloudberryと名付けた、それにスウィートでドリーミーな名前にしたかった…その完璧な印象を与えてくれた名前だったから!こんな風にしてレーベルが始まった。“僕はレーベルやります”って感じじゃ全然無かった。誰も出す意思が無いからリリースした素晴らしいバンド達もいっぱい居た。僕がやらなきゃって!最初に全体の運営を考えて、小さなディテイルもプランしたけど、レーベルというよりプロジェクトみたいな感じになってしまった。ゴールに向けて少しずつやって行きたかった。最初は本当に楽しかった、CDスリーヴをどうするか、どうやってカットするか、印刷するか、考えたっけ。大量のノリや、ハサミやカッターなどを買ったりして。素晴らしい時間だった。普通にインディポップにインスパイアされた。バンド、レーベル、ファン、DIY論理から。最初はファンとして。大好きなバンドに手紙を書く時はホント幸せだ。ファンとして書くんだ。サインをもらったり…とてもオタクっぽいね。インディポップは僕に愛を与え返してくれる。」

What do you think about indie pop all around the world ?


Roque Ruiz : I think it's Wonderful. People of different races around the world are just having fun, as the photos of the Indie Tracks Festival tell us. That scene makes me happy. I feel like people who want to go out with me for the rest of my life. Don't you think they are wise and sensual people? They have sense off course. Music represents people, indie pop has good value, I can't think of anything wrong with it. Shining and colorful music, is there anyone who gets worse listening to this? If this was metal music ... it would have been another story ! We will be always angry (lol) ?



Have you ever traveled the world ? Are there your favourite cities ?


Roque Ruiz : In US : Miami, Orlando, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston etc. I have been to Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Columbia (South America), Ecuador, Brazil and Peru too. In Europe I have only been to Germany. It's difficult to choose my favourite from these. It's going to be a country where my pop friends live. If I have to move, definitely Europe...Berlin or Hamburg because I know only about Germany. My trip to Hamburg was the best time I've ever had so maybe I should choose here (lol).


Please have a message for your fans !


Roque Ruiz : Thank you so much for supporting  for many years. Japanese pop kids are lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful music. Don't Stop Indiepop !

「何年もサポートしてくれて本当にありがとう。日本のポップキッズは美しい音楽に囲まれていてラッキーだね。DON’T STOP INDIEPOP!」

Part 2●Roque Ruiz, Cloudberry Records Interview (2020)

Anorak Crumble :  Now you live in New York, not Miami ? 


Roque Ruiz : Hi Toshiko! Yes, I moved to New York at the end of 2011. The move had nothing to do with the label, it was me getting a new job in this city. It was quite complicated to move all my records, not just my collection but also all the Cloudberry stock of records!


Anorak Crumble : I remember 3 inch CD-R series from one to one hundred for indie pop bands all over the world ! Was it your idea ?


Roque Ruiz : Yeah, that was the idea. And I completed the 100 CDRs I think in about two years. It was a great time for indiepop then (2007-2009). There were lots of bands and Myspace was a great tool to find these bands. Also the CDR format was much more liked then than now. It was easy and cheap, one could make their own in true DIY fashion. So many bands released in that format, and labels followed. The 3" format was a cool idea at the time, it made a difference to the big 5" CDR, especially as the idea was to release singles, with about 3 songs on each CDR. So it was trying to imitate what a 7" was compared to a 12" too. 


Anorak Crumble :  Please tell us about the future releases on Cloudberry Records ? 

今後のCloudberry Recordsリリースの予定を教えて下さい?

Roque Ruiz : This year has been a bit quiet with everything that has happened. We released a fanzine with a 5 song compilation and the Macguffins compilation. We would have released a 7" now at the end of the year but I will be out of town for the reminder of the year so this release will come out in January. It is by the Finnish band Verandan whose lead member was once part of Cats on Fire. It will have two songs and lovely artwork by a Spanish illustrator called Oct Streitenberger. Also as we speak I am working on a retrospective compilation for an 80s Swedish band. But that's all I can say for now!

今年は少し静かなものとなった。5曲入りのコンピレーション付きのファンジンとThe Macguffinsのコンピレーションをリリースした。今年の終わりに7インチをリリースしたいんだけど、街を離れているだろうから。今年の思い出の為に…リリースは来年の1月になるだろう、Cats on FireのメンバーによるVerandanだていうフィンランドのバンドだよ。2曲入りでスペインのイラストレーターOct Streitenbergerによるラブリーなアート・ワークだよ。そしてまた僕は80年代のスゥエーデンのバンドの回顧盤を作る話もしている。だけどこれが僕が言える全てだよ!

Anorak Crumble : Please tell us more about your blog "Cloudberry Cake Proselytism" ?

あなたのブログ"Cloudberry Cake Proselytism"について教えて下さい。

Roque Ruiz : The blog started in 2008 and it's been updated around 3 times a week since. I post interviews with indiepop bands and also I write posts featuring long lost bands. The idea being that there are very little indiepop blogs now and as no one is really trying to document indiepop (aside from some very good efforts in the way of books by Michael White or Neil Taylor) I am trying to do my part. For me it is a bit harder as I wasn't part of the 80s scene nor was  in the UK then. But I try to dig, do some detective work, and if possible give a voice to these bands when I find them. The blog has given me a lot of great friends as well, so I hope to continue for many years.

ブログは2008年に始めて、以来週に三回アップデイトしている。インディ・ポップ・バンド達のインタビューや、昔のバンド達のことをポストしている。今インディ・ポップのブログはほぼ無いし誰もインディ・ポップのことを書いていない(Michael WhiteやNeil Taylorといった、いくつかの良い努力は別として)。僕は自分の役割を果たそうと。僕はイギリスに住んで居なかったから、80年代のシーンについては少し難しいけど。発掘してみて、探求して、バンド達を見つけた時に彼らから返事がもらえるかどうか。同様にブログで沢山の素晴らしい友達が出来た。なのでこれからも続けたいよ。



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