Amelia and Rob (Talulah Gosh, Heavenly, Marine Research, Tender Trap, Sportique and The Catenary Wires) formed the new band which is called Swansea Sound with Hue from The Pooh Sticks! and Damaged Goods Records will release the retrospective album of Heavenly in December. Let's talk about them with Amelia and Rob !
AmeliaとRob (Talulah Gosh, Heavenly, Marine Research, Tender Trap and The Catenary Wires)が新しいバンドSwansea SoundをThe Pooh SticksのHueと結成しました。そしてDamaged Goods RecordsはHeavenlyの回顧盤を12月にリリース予定です。これらのことについてAmeliaとRobに語って頂きました !
Anorak Crumble : Firstly please tell us about your former bands : Talulah Gosh, Heavenly, Marine Research, Tender Trap, and The Catenary Wires.
まず最初に、あなたの前バンド : Talulah Gosh, Heavenly, Marine Research, Tender Trap, そして The Catenary Wiresについて教えて下さい。
Amelia: Talulah Gosh was a long time ago – we started in 1986! We were a typical local band in that it was basically me, my boyfriend (Pete), my brother (Mathew), and a girl (Elizabeth) who we asked just because she was at a gig wearing a Pastels badge. We didn’t really know what we were doing, and our shows were pretty crazy. Rob was in the band initially but left because we drove him a bit mad!
Amelia: Talulah Goshは随分と前だったわ…1986年に始めたのよ!私と、私のボーイフレンド(Pete), 私の兄弟(Mathew), そしてPastelsバッヂを付けてギグに来ていてお願いした女の子 (Elizabeth)…典型的なローカル・バンドだったわ。私達は何がやりたいか分からなかったので、私達のショウは本当にクレイジーだった。Robはバンドに最初から居たけど、彼を少し怒らせてしまったので去ったの!
Heavenly came next. And Rob came back. I had decided I didn’t like singing other people’s songs (everyone wrote songs in Talulah Gosh). So I was the songwriting dictator in Heavenly. At first at least. We made four albums. Over that time, the music developed from sounding quite romantic and soft to being increasingly feminist and angry, partly inspired by Riot Grrrl, which we got quite involved with (even though we were never really seen as a Riot Grrrl band).
次のバンドはHeavenlyだったわ。そしてRobが戻って来た。他の人のの歌を歌うのは好きでは無かった(Talulah Goshでは誰もが曲を書いていた)。なので私はHeavenlyで全てのソングライティングを行ったわ。四枚のアルバムを作ったわ。その間サウンドはロマンチックでソフトになり、ますますフェミニストに、怒り、一部は私達が関与したRiot Grrrlにインスパイアされたものになったわ (実際、私達はRiot Grrrl bandとして見られたことが一度も無かったけれども)。
Heavenly stopped when my brother died. We didn’t think we would want to make music again without him. But after a year, we just missed it too much. So we started Marine Research, with our friend DJ Downfall replacing Mathew on drums. We only did one album, but I’m very fond of it. We stuck with DJ Downfall in our next band Tender Trap. Tender Trap did four albums again. We started out a bit more experimental but ended up being very pop – quite like Heavenly in fact.
Heavenlyは私の弟が亡くなった時に止めたわ。彼無しで再び音楽を作りたいと思わなかった。だけど一年後とても恋しくなったの。なのでドラムのMatthewに替わって友達のDJ Downfallと一緒にMarine Researchを始めたの。一枚アルバムを出しただけだったけど良かったわ。次のバンドTender TrapでもDJ Downfallと組んで四枚のアルバムを作ったわ。Heavenlyみたいに超ポップでは無く少しエクスペリメンタルな事を始めたの。
Tender TrapはRobと私が子供と一緒に田舎へ引っ越した為、辞めたの。バンドを続けるのは困難だったので。再び、音楽を作りたいと思わ無くなったけど、The Catenary Wiresはハプニングだったわ。娘の為に子供用のギターを買ったんだけど、彼女は興味が無くて、私達がそれで曲を書き始めたの!年を取りRobと私だけだったけど、今はフル・バンドになってニュー・アルバムも間近なのよ!
Rob: It is true that I ran away from Talulah Gosh, but I’m not going to run away again.
Rob: Talulah Goshを去ったのは事実だけど、もう辞めないよ。
Anorak Crumble : I am a great fan of Heavenly especially ! How did you contract with Sarah Records?
特に私はHeavenlyの大ファンです!どのようにしてSarah Recordsと契約したのですか?
Amelia: Rob and I were actually thinking of starting our own label to put out Heavenly, but really only because we weren’t sure anyone else would want us. We asked Matt from Sarah for some advice about starting up a label, because he and Clare had just done it. He gave us useful help, but then said he’s actually be happy to have us on Sarah. We’d concluded that running a label seemed like pretty hard work, so we were happy to accept!
Amelia: Robと私はHeavenlyを出す為に自主レーベルを始めることを考えたけど、誰かが私達を望んでいるか定かでは無くて。SarahのMattにレーベルを始める為のアドバイスを訊いたわ、何故なら彼とClareは始めたばかりだったから。彼らは役立つヘルプをしてくれたけど、後でSarahから出せれば嬉しいって。レーベルをやることは凄く大変な事だと思っていたので、認めてくれてハッピーだったわ!
Rob: But we haven’t learned our lesson. We are actually about to start a label (called SKEP WAX).
Rob: だけど僕達のレッスンはまだ終わっていなくて。僕達はレーベルを始める予定なんだよ(SKEP WAXっていうんだ)。
Anorak Crumble : You also released the 7's of "Can You Keep a Secret? " as a solo and joined the bands like The Pooh Sticks, The 6ths, Bugbear, The Brilliant Corners, Sportique etc. as a backing vocalist. Did you enjoyed with them too?
あなたはまた、ソロとして7インチ・シングル"Can You Keep a Secret? "をリリースし、The Pooh Sticks, The 6ths, Bugbear, The Brilliant Corners, Sportiqueなどのバンドにバック・ボーカルとして参加しましたね?彼らとエンジョイしましたか?
Amelia: Haha, don’t forget The Wedding Present. Yes it was all fun. It was a bit strange being such a popular choice for backing singer, since I was never really a great singer. But I guess they were all bands where a ‘proper’ singer wouldn’t really have fitted in. What is also nice is that they have all remained good friends. In fact, in the last month I have been in touch with all of them. (Except Bugbear, of course, since that was my brother’s band).
Amelia: (笑) The Wedding Presentを忘れないで。イエスとても楽しかったわ。私は本当に素晴らしいシンガーでは無いのに、バック・シンガーとして選んでくれるなんて少し変な気がしたわ。'適切'なシンガーが居なかったのかな。良い思い出の友達で良かったわ。実際、私は先月、彼らとコンタクトを取ったのよ(もちろんBugbear以外の。私の兄弟のバンドだったから)。
Anorak Crumble : You and Rob formed Swansea Sound with Hue from The Pooh Sticks. Are you going to release the single or the album near future?
あなたとRobは、The Pooh SticksのHueと一緒にSwansea Soundを結成しましたね。シングルかアルバムのリリース予定はありますか?
Amelia: Yes. The single is called Corporate Indie Band and it is out as a cassette on Lavender Sweep Records (or digitally via Bandcamp). Swansea Sound is a real product of lockdown, as both we and Hue finally had time to do some songs together. The only problem is that we are all stuck at home, and Hue doesn’t have any recording equipment, so all his vocals are recorded on his phone in a cupboard! It came out pretty well though. Look out for more singles coming soon!
Amelia: イエス。Corporate Indie BandっていうシングルでLavender Sweep Recordsからカセットで出る予定よ(もしくはBandcampでデジタルとして)。
Rob: Swansea Sound is the band where I get to write all the songs. They are louder and more angry than Catenary Wires songs. Now it is my turn to be the dictator!
Rob: Swansea Soundは僕が全ての曲を書いているバンド。Catenary Wiresよりも怒りもラウダーだ。いま僕が独裁者になる番になったよ!
Anorak Crumble : You experienced many gigs as Heavenly and The Catenary Wires in Japan. Are you going to play gigs near future ?
あなたはHeavenlyやThe Catenary Wiresとして沢山のギグを日本で行いましたね。今後も予定はありますか?
Amelia: We have absolutely loved playing Japan with both Heavenly and The Catenary Wires. We were only there last November, playing with The Monochrome Set. We took our kids this time as well and they loved it too.
Amelia: HeavenlyやThe Catenary Wiresとして日本でプレイすることが大好きよ。去年の11月に行ったばかりよ、The Monochrome Setと一緒にプレイしたの。その時は子供達を連れて行ったわ、彼らも大好きよ。
Sadly all gigs are off for the time being, especially ones which involve air travel. But we’d definitely love to go back to Japan again if we can. And certainly we intend to play more shows when it becomes more feasible. In the meantime, we’ve played a couple online from home, and we may do one or two more of those.
Rob: I loved going to Japan. I would have loved it even if we weren’t playing gigs. Tokyo is a beautiful and fascinating place. My dream? To come back and do a tour with the Catenary Wires, Swansea Sound and European Sun.
Rob: 日本へ行くことは大好きだ。ギグが無くても好きだよ、東京はとても綺麗で魅力的な所。僕の夢?またカムバックしてCatenary Wires, Swansea Sound, European Sunのツアーをやることだ。
Anorak Crumble : had you good relationships with the labels like Sarah, K, Matinee Recordings, 53rd & 3rd, Fortuna Pop, Elefant Records ?
Sarah, K, Matinee Recordings, 53rd & 3rd, Fortuna Pop, Elefant Recordsといったレーベルとは良い関係にありましたか?
Rob: They have all genuinely been great. Vinyl Japan were very helpful too. All those labels are run by people who have strong, passionate opinions about music, but who do not interfere with what their bands are trying to do. Thanks to them, we’ve been able to have our music distributed all over the world – without ever having to go near a major label. Lucky us.
Rob: 彼らは皆とてもグレイトだったよ。Vinyl Japanはとてもヘルプフルだった。これらのレーベルは、音楽に対してストロングかつ情熱的な意見を持った人々によって運営されている。だけどバンドがやりたいことに干渉しない。彼らに感謝している。僕達の音楽がディストリビュートされることが可能になった、メジャーなレーベルに行かなくてもね。ラッキーだよ。
Anorak Crumble : Damaged Goods Records will released the Heavenly's retrospective album in November. Please tell us about it ?
Damaged Goods RecordsはHeavenlyのレトロスペクティブ・アルバムを11月にリリースする予定だとか?
Rob: A lot of people still seem interested in Heavenly. We realised that all the albums are available one way or another, but the singles are quite hard to find - unless you want to pay a silly amount of money for second-hand copies. So, this album is a collection of all those singles. I think they were some of the best songs we did.
Rob: 沢山の人々がまだHeavenlyに関心があるみたいだ。僕達は全てのアルバムが入手可能なことに気がついた。だけどシングルを見つけることは困難だ…中古を高値で買うこと以外には。なので今作はシングル・コレクションなんだ。それらは僕達がやったベスト・ソング達だった。
We wanted to make it a kind of celebration of the indie and riot grrrl scenes that we were part of, so the sleeve notes are written by lots of people who were involved in those scenes – in other bands, or organising gigs, or running the labels. That world wasn’t well documented at the time (the music press ignored it, mostly), so we want people to hear the voices, and see the pictures of what was going on at that time.
インディや僕達のriot grrrlシーンのお祝いみたいなことをやりたかったので、スリーブ・ノートには当時のシーンを担っていた沢山の人々が書いてくれた…他のバンド、ギグのオーガナイザー、レーベル運営者。当時は上手く文書化されていなかった(音楽プレスは殆ど無視していた)ので、声が聞きたかったし、当時どうなっていたのか写真も見たかったので。
Amelia: It’s been great putting the album together, because it has prompted us to hunt through old photos and memorabilia. Lots of fun times that we’d half-forgotten. Rob has been sharing it all online on Instagram (@heavenlyindie).
Amelia: アルバムが一緒にまとまるなんてグレイト、何故なら古い写真や思い出の品も見れるから。私達が半分忘れていた、とても楽しい時だった。Robがインスタグラムでシェアしているわよ(@heavenlyindie)。
Anorak Crumble : When did you start to listen to indie pop music ?
Amelia: It kind of depends what you mean by indie pop, but I guess I fell in love with Orange Juice when I about 16. That was probably the start for me, and You Can’t Hide Your Love Forever is still one of my favourite albums.
Amelia: インディ・ポップだったら16才の時にOrange Juiceが大好きだった。多分これが私のスタートだった、そしてYou Can’t Hide Your Love Foreverは今でも私のフェイバリット・アルバムの一つよ。
Rob: Somewhere else in the UK (we didn’t know each other at this time) I was in my bedroom listening to Josef K. Postcard Records was quite influential on both of us!
Rob: UKの何処か(当時お互いに知らなかった)で僕はJosef Kを聴いていた。Postcard Recordsは僕達に多大な影響を及ぼしたんだ!
Anorak Crumble : What band/artists are you influenced by ? What bands/artists do you listen to at the moment ?
どのようなバンド / アーティストに影響を受けていますか?どのようなバンド / アーティストを聴いていますか?
Amelia: I’m influenced by loads of bands – it is hard to pick just one. But I think the main influences on me over the years have been sixties girl groups, even though that influence has always been put through an indie filter. My favourite bands at the moment are probably The Just Joans and Penelope Isles.
Amelia: 沢山のバンドを聴いているわ、一つを選ぶのは難しい。だけど何年にも渡って影響を受けているのはインディ・フィルターを通過して60年代のガール・グループかしら。今、私のお気に入りバンドは、The Just JoansとPenelope Islesよ。
Rob: All those Postcard singles are still playing in my head! But I like the Penelope Isles too, and Yo La Tengo and recently I like the Jeanines record. I’ve also been listening to XTC, Robert Wyatt and The Kinks a lot lately. I think I’m interested in eccentric but very English song-writing.
Rob: Postcardのシングル全部は今でも僕の頭の中でプレイされているよ!だけとPenelope Islesも好きだし、最近はYo La TengoやJeaninesのレコードも。XTC, Robert Wyatt, The Kinksもよく聴いている。エキセントリックなものにも興味があるけど、とてもイギリスのソング・ライティングだ。
Anorak Crumble : How is your life in England ? Are there any good record labels, clubs, etc ?
Amelia: Our life is funny. We are in a very rural place where there isn’t really much going on except sheep and farmers’ markets. At the same time, our life seems incredibly busy, with work, kids and making lots of music. Before lockdown, we were also organising some shows locally, including a really great festival of indie music and poetry called Words and Music. Hopefully, we will get back to that at some point.
Amelia: 私達の生活は面白いわよ。羊やファーマーズ・マーケット以外は何も無い田舎に居るの。同時に、私達の生活はとても忙しいわ、仕事があって、子供達と、沢山の曲作りがあって。ロックダウンの前に地元で、Words and Musicっていうインディ・ミュージックやポエムの素晴らしいフェスティバルショウをオーガナイズする予定だったのだけど。またの機会にやれればいいなと思っているわ。
Rob: I have spent a lot of lockdown making unlikely bread products. I’ve done bagels, naan breads, pretzels and muffins. I even managed to make Kentish huffkins, which no-one outside this small part of England has heard of.
Rob: ロックダウンの間に、あり得ないパン作りをやって過ごしているよ。ベーグル、ナン、プレッツェル、マフィンなど。イギリスのごく一部の地域の人々しか知らないケンティッシュ・ハフキンまでも作れちゃうよ。
Anorak Crumble : Any future plans with your bands?
Amelia: Well there will be more singles from Swansea Sound, and The Catenary Wires album is almost finished. We have also just released an album with another band called European Sun, which we are really pleased with, so we may well do more of that too!
Amelia: Swansea Soundのシングルと、大体終えているThe Catenary Wiresのアルバムを予定しています。European Sunっていう別バンドでアルバムを出したばかりよ。楽しいので、これももっとやりたいわ!
Oh, and we also have a very different thing coming out soon. It is a collection of poetry and music inspired by the place we live (The Weald in Kent, UK), working with a poet called Nancy Gaffield and a band we’ve formed called The Drift with our friend Darren.
あと、私達は全く違ったことも間もなくやる予定なの。私達が住んでいる所(The Weald, Kent, UK)からインスパイアされた音楽とポエムのコレクションで、詩人のNancy Gaffieldと一緒に仕事したり、私達の友達Darrenと一緒にThe Driftを結成したり。
Anorak Crumble : Please have a message for fans of you !
Amelia: Erm, thanks for sticking with us all this time!!
Amelia: ええと…いつも私達のことサポートくれてありがとう!!
Rob: we hope we can play live and see you in the real world again soon!
Rob: またすぐにライブが出来て皆と会えたらいいな!
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