dimanche 6 décembre 2020

Matt Price, Harrison Interview (2009)

Please tell us how and why you formed the band Harrison.


Matt Price:We started the band in 1984. It was a duo of me and guitarist Mick Adams.

Matt Price(以下 M):1984年からスタートした。僕とギタリストのMick Adamsのデュオだったものが拡がって。

Why did you name the band Harrison?


Matt Price:At that time I was promoting a movie called "Raiders Of The Lost Ark". I liked Harrison Ford, the cool character in "Indiana Jones" so his name came to me and I thought it would be a good for our band-name.

M:当時『RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK』という映画の宣伝をやっていた。『INDIANA JONES』でのクールなキャラのHarrison Fordが好きだったので、彼の名前が浮かんで、バンド名に良いかなと思ったので。

I've been interested in British and European indie bands since the 80's. What did you listen to in the 80's? I found Duran Duran, Culture Club, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Smiths, Aztec Camera, The Bodines etc. on MTV and radio at that time, and I was shocked and started listening...

■80年代からずっと英国やヨーロッパのインディ・バンドに興味があります。80年代に何を聴いていましたか?私はDURAN DURAN、CULTURE CLUB、DEPEHE MODE、NEW ORDER、THE SMITHS、AZTEC CAMERA、BODINESなどを当時MTVやラジオで見つけて衝撃が走って聴き始めたのですが…。

Matt Price:At that time  I loved (David) Bowie, especially his early stuff such as "Hunky Dory", "Ziggy", and "Aladdin Sane".  I also liked The Smiths, Orange Juice, Pale Fountains, jazzy UK stuff ... Rip Rig and Panic, Pinsky Zoo, Pigpag, etc, and Be-Pop John Coltrane, Lee Morgan, Art Tatum ...also classical items such as Bach, Schubert and Mozart.


What did you think of "British Invasion" in the early 80's,  in the US?

■USでの80年代前半の“BRITISH INVASION”については、どう思っていましたか?

Matt Price:I think English people have always made  great rock and pop music since the 60's ... so I don't know what it means. The 80's is only part of the process. Perhaps the most amazing decade of popular music was the 70's. Very important and original.


What kind of band were you playing with at that time?


Matt Price:Like King which was on the UK singles chart at that time. But we were the  headliners on small gigs. 


What was the most important band for Harrison?


Matt Price:Nothing special. The influence is always there, even in the little songs of my childhood.


What did you think of "Manchester Movement" in the early 90's? There were various interesting bands such as Stone Roses, The Charlatans, Top, Mock Turtles, Chapterhouse, Ride etc. appeared...


Matt Price:It was a great time when British music was known to the world. They did more than the bands of 70's raised the British rock flag.


You released the single "There's No Refrain" in 1984. This is a beautiful song and your vocal is really elegant and soulful! Was Harrison the first band for you?

■1984年に「THERE'S NO REFRAIN」をリリースしましたね。これが素晴らしく美しい曲で、あなたの歌声も、とてもエレガントでソウルフルですね!あなたにとって、HARRISONが初めてのバンドだったのですか?

Matt Price:When I was a student in 1977, I was in a four-piece progressive rock band! I'm glad that everyone liked my singing voice. I think vocal is just part of the sound. I always think other singers are better than me.


Your albums "Demos & Rarities Vol.1 & 2" have  full of wonderful songs so I listen to it very  often. I feel the influence of jazz and funka- latina?

■『DEMOS & RARITIES VOL.1 & 2』素晴らしい曲がいっぱいでサイコーです&ヘビロテです。ジャズやファンカラティーナの影響が感じられますが?

Matt Price:As I mentioned just before, I listened to a lot of jazz. The Stan Getz And Charlie Byrd "Jazz Samba" album I bought in 1981 is a special work for me because be-pop and Latin are blended, so beautiful and really wonderful!

M「さっきも述べたようにジャズを沢山聴いていた。1981年に買ったSTAN GETZ AND CHARLIE BYRDの『JAZZ SAMBA』アルバムは僕にとって特別な作品。BE-POPとラテンがブレンドされていて美しくて、本当に素晴らしい!」

Have you been influenced by 80's Scottish Indies such as Orange Juice and Aztec Camera?

■ORANGE JUICEやAZTEC CAMEAといった80年代スコティッシュ・インディには影響を受けましたか?

Matt Price:I really loved it at that time.


Your sonnds also like Style Council, do you like kind of soul music / mod pop?

■STYLE COUNCILのような楽曲も聴けますが、ソウルやモッド・ポップは好きですか?

Matt Price:I'm not a fan of Style Council,  but I think Paul Weller's songwriting is talented.

M「STYLE COUNCILのファンでは無いけれど、PAUL WELLERのソングライティングは才能があると思う。」

Are there something like concepts in your songs? What do you want to say the most through your songs?


Matt Price:Looking back on the 80's, I was singing a lot about unrequited  love. That was my main theme. At the same time, I wrote some political lyrics about environmental issues and countering corporate control in our daily  life.


You're from Midlands, England ? Do you like this city?


Matt Price:At that time Harrison lived in  a wonderful city Hinckley in Leicester. Now I live in Stratford-Upon-Avon where Shakespeare was born and raised. It's a lovely Town where the river flows and the countryside spreads out. 


Do you listen to the British Indie band at the moment? Please tell us your current favorite bands.


Matt Price:I don't listen to indie music. Over the years, my style has evolved and changed. But I always find music that I've never heard before. Recently I discovered Nick Drake, which is wonderful and gorgeous.

M「インディは聴いていない。何年もの歳月を経て僕のスタイルは発展し変わった。でも僕はいつだって、今までに聴いたこともないような音楽を見つけている。最近は、うっとりするぐらい華麗な、NICK DRAKEの素晴らしさを発見した。」

Have a message for Japanese fans!


Matt Price:I would like to say thank you to all the Japanese people who found and enjoyed Harrison. It was a pleasant surprise. It's great that our songs give joy for everyone. I'll never forget, thank you so much, this brings a lot to me. We have more songs recorded with guitarist Mick Adams from 1985 to 1986 after Harrison disbanded, so please contact me if you are interested :

email: matt@riverhead.co.uk

M「HARRISONを見つけてくれて、エンジョイしてくれた、日本の皆様にありがとうと言いたい。嬉しい驚きだったし、これからもそうあり続けるだろう。今、僕達の曲が、みんなに喜びを与えているなんて、素晴らしいことだ。ずっと忘れないよ、本当にありがとう、これは僕にとって多くをもたらす出来事。HARRISONが解散してから、1985~86年にかけてギタリストのMick Adamsと一緒にレコーディングした曲がいっぱいあるので、好きになってくれる人達がいたら、興味がある方は連絡を下さい:

email: matt@riverhead.co.uk

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