mercredi 23 décembre 2020

Trashcan Sinatras Interview

Trashcan Sinatras bandcamp :


Anorak Crumble : When / why did you form the band ? Why did you name the band "Trash Can Sinatras" ?

いつ / 何故バンドを結成したのですか?何故バンド名を"Trash Can Sinatras" としたのですか?

Paul x

Paul Livingston : We were formed in 1986/87. I (Paul) joined in 1987. Before that, Frank and Davy had been involved in a creative course for the unemployed that culminated in a performance for the class. They hit empty trashcans for rhythm and sang a bit of Frank Sinatra. The name was born. They then formed a band with various members from the local scene, who would support other bands. I remember a friend of mine at school told me he had gone to see a band the night before and the support band blew him away. He said they were a ramshackle mess but amazing. And they had a cool name. I felt very lucky indeed when I joined them a few short months later.

僕達は1986 / 87年に結成し、僕 (Paul)は1987年に加入しました。その前にFrankとDavyは失業者のためのクリエイティブ・コースに参加し、最高なパフォーマンスをしました。彼らはリズムの為に空のゴミ箱を叩きFrank Sinatraを少し歌いました。バンド名が出来ました。その後、彼らは地元のシーンの様々なメンバーとバンドを結成し、他のバンドをサポートしました。学校の友達が前の晩にバンドを見に行き、サポート・バンドが彼をブッ飛ばしたと言っていたのを覚えています。彼らは厄介でしたが驚いたと言っていました。そして彼らはクールな名前を持っていました。数ヶ月後に僕が彼らに加入した時、本当に幸運だと感じました。

Anorak Crumble : Please tell us about your albums : "Cake (Go! Discs / 1990)", "I've Seen Everything (Go! Discs / 1993)", "A Happy Pocket (Go! Discs / 1996)", "Weightlifting (SpinArt / 2004)", "In the Music (Lo Five UK / 2009)" and "Wild Pendulum (Red River / 2016)" if you have album-concepts, good memories or unique episodes etc. etc.

あなたのアルバムについて…"Cake (Go! Discs / 1990)", "I've Seen Everything (Go! Discs / 1993)", "A Happy Pocket (Go! Discs / 1996)", "Weightlifting (SpinArt / 2004)", "In the Music (Lo Five UK / 2009)", "Wild Pendulum (Red River / 2016)"…もしコンセプト、良い思い出、面白いエピソード等々があれば教えて下さい。

Paul Livingston : When we made Cake, we were very focussed on getting it right. Which, conversely, is a bit of a problem when making music. We tried to incorporate all our favourite moments from various demos and tapes. Producers would tell us that was the wrong way to go about things, but we didn't listen. It turned out well enough, but now I can see what those producers were getting at. I've Seen Everything was a far more confident, less obsessive, recording experience. One of our best albums, not least because of Ray Shulman's wonderful production.By the time we did A Happy Pocket, we were dealing with record company issues, and also a bit of an identity crisis, but I love it! It is quite a sprawling record which feels more like a double album to me.Weightlifting was made after we had lost our beloved Shabby Road recording studios. We weren't sure if we would be able to record to our satisfaction in a different studio, but making it was a real boost to our confidence, and it turned out to be one of our best!For In the Music, we focussed more on the feel of the songs, jamming these grooves for hours and days in order to make them more, dare I say it, funky. I would say having the good Grant Wilson on bass and Stevie Mulhearn on keyboards definitely inspired that way of working. The music was recorded live in Stratosphere Studios in New York with Andy Chase producing. For some bizarre reason we didn't tell Andy we wanted to record live until we got to the studio! He was a little taken aback. He said to Rudyard, the engineer, "Can we do that?!", but when we listened to the playback of the first song we'd recorded, we knew we were in good hands. It sounded like a finished record straight off the bat.Wild Pendulum was written and recorded with the help of our talented friend, Simon Dine. He supplied a bunch of sumptuous arrangements and loops, which we turned into the finished songs. We then went to Omaha to record with Mike Mogis. A very rich and dense record.

僕達が"Cake"を作った時、僕達はそれを妥当なものにしようと凄く集中しました。逆に音楽を作る時は少し問題があって。様々なデモやテープからお気に入りの一瞬を全て取り入れようとしました。プロデューサー達は、それが物事を進めるのに間違った方法だと僕達に言うでしょうが、聞きませんでした。十分にうまくいきました、だけどいま僕はプロデューサーが何を得ていたかを知ることが出来ました。"I've Seen Everything"は、自信があり、執着心が少なく、レコーディング体験、でした。Ray Shulmanの素晴らしいプロダクションのお陰で、僕達の最高のアルバムの1つ。"A Happy Pocket"をやった時、レコード会社の問題や、少しアイデンティティの危機がありましたが、大好きです!広大なレコードで、ダブル・アルバムのように感じます。"Weightlifting" は大好きなShabby Roadレコーディング・スタジオを失った後にやりました。違うスタジオで満足のいくレコーディングができるかどうかは分かりませんでしたが、それを作ることは僕達の自信を本当に高め、ベストな1つとなりました!"In the Music"では、曲の感触に重点を置き、これらのグルーブを何時間も何日もジャムって、ファンキーなものにしました。ベースに優れたGrant Wilsonを~キーボードにStevie Mulhearnを起用したことは、間違いなくその作品に影響を与えたと思います。ニューヨークのStratosphere Studiosでライブ録音されAndy Chaseがプロデュースしました。変な訳があってスタジオに着くまでライブ・レコーディングしたいとAndyに伝えなかった!彼は少し驚いていました。彼はエンジニアのRudyardに「出来るのか?!」と訊きましたが、最初に録音した曲の再生を聴いた時、僕達は確信しました。それは完成したレコードのように聴こえました。"Wild Pendulum"は友人であるSimon Dineの助けを借りて書かれ録音されました。彼は沢山の豪華なアレンジとループを提供し完成させてくれました。その後Omahaに行ってMike Mogisとレコーディングしました。非常に濃厚で密度の高いレコードです。

Anorak Crumble : Why did you sign to Go! Discs ?

何故Go! Discsと契約したのですか?

Paul Livingston : We were still a pretty new band when record labels were looking to sign us, and we felt we had a lot to learn before we started making any records. Go! Discs were keen to give us the time and space we needed, and they really just seemed to understand us more than any of the other labels we talked to.

レコード・レーベルが僕達に契約しようとしていた時、僕達は未だ新しいバンドでした。レコードを作り始める前に、学ぶことがたくさんあると感じました。Go! Discsは、僕達に必要な時間と場所を与えることに親身になってくれました、そして彼らは僕達が話をした他のどのレーベルよりも僕達を本当に理解しているようでした。

Anorak Crumble : The "Obscurity Knocks" single is one of my favourite song of Trash Can Sinatras !  The B-side of this single "Who's He ?" is so fantastic, too ! Why was it non- album track ?

"Obscurity Knocks"シングルは私のお気に入りの一つです!このシングルB面の"Who's He ?"も凄く素敵ですね!何故アルバムに収録されなかったのですか?

Paul Livingston : It just felt like a B-side to us. A good one though!


Anorak Crumble : Why was the "Cake" album produced by John Leckie  ?

アルバム"Cake"はJohn Leckieによるプロデュースでしたね?

Paul Livingston : He is a very talented guy! He started out in Abbey Road so has engineered a lot of the greats (John Lennon, Pink Floyd). He then went on to produce a lot of our favourite bands at the time (The Fall, XTC, Magazine).

彼はとても才能のある人です!彼はAbbey Roadでスタートし、多くの偉人(John Lennon, Pink Floyd)をエンジニアしました。その後、彼は当時の僕達のお気に入りバンド(The Fall、XTC、Magazine)を数多くプロデュースしました。

Anorak Crumble : Please tell us about  Shabby Road studio in Kilmarnock ?

KilmarnockのShabby Roadスタジオについて教えて下さい。

Paul Livingston : It used to be called Sirocco Studios and Frank worked there as an engineer. When we signed to Go! Discs, one of the first things we decided to do was buy it, and use it as our base. We loved that place, and eventually we would all live there. It had a 24 track studio and six rehearsal rooms that we rented out to local bands.

以前はSirocco Studiosと呼ばれ、Frankはそこでエンジニアとして働いていました。 Go! Discsと契約した時、僕達が最初にやろうと決めた事は、それを購入してベースとして使用することでした。僕達はその場所が大好きで、最終的には全員がそこに住むことになりました。 24トラック・スタジオと6つのリハーサル・ルームがあり、地元のバンドに貸していました。

Anorak Crumble : The single "To Sir, with Love" from the album "A Happy Pocket" is a cover of the 1967 Lulu's hit song. Do you like sixties pop ?

"A Happy Pocket"アルバムからの"To Sir, with Love"シングルは1967年のLuluによるヒット曲でした。60年代のポップスは好きですか?

Paul Livingston :  Yes. We're big fans of all kinds of pop music.


Anorak Crumble : The Kangaloo-illustration sleeve of "A Happy Pocket" are very impressive ! Who did make cover ? Why did you sign to American label SpinArt ?

"A Happy Pocket"アルバムの、カンガルーのイラスト・ジャケが印象的です!誰が手掛けたのですか?何故アメリカのレーベルSpinArtと契約したのですか?

Paul Livingston : It was painted by Christine Frew, and it used to have more little scenes of kangaroos, kind of like a wallpaper pattern. I loved it, but it was changed by the record company who wanted "just one strong image". Maybe we'll go back to the original idea when we re-release it.I don't know why we signed to Spinart. It was all a big mistake!

Christine Frewが描いたもので、以前は壁紙のパターンのように小さなカンガルー達でした。それが気に入ったのですが、"ただ一つの強いイメージ"を欲しがっていたレコード会社が変えてしまいました。再発したら元のアイデアに戻るかもしれません。なぜSpin Artにサインしたのか分からない。それは大きな間違いでした!

Anorak Crumble : The "Weightlifting" album was released in 2004, the first time in eight years ! Why did it take so long ? Norman Blake (Teenage Fanclub) joined to sing for "God Carried Away" ?

"Weightlifting"アルバムは8年ぶりに2004年にリリースされましたね!何故時間がかかってしまったのですか?Teenage FanclubのNorman Blakeが"God Carried Away"で歌っていますね?

Hi there Toshiko. I will do the rest of the questions. John x

John Douglas :  It took us 8 years to get to a place where we were happy with a bunch of songs. We filled those 8 years with many things. We recorded music in America and Japan.. we played shows.. we moved house.. we changed personnel.. we spent a lot of time in the pub.. mostly we worked on songs and it took us 8 years to finally get a bunch of them that felt right to release. Norman is a great singer and harmonist. He was very friendly and professional in the studio. i think we met through a mutual friend.


Anorak Crumble : You recorded "In the Music" album with Andy Chase (Ivy). Did you go to his Stratosphere Studio in N.Y. ?

"In the Music"アルバムはIvyのAndy Chaseとの共作でした。彼のニューヨークのStratosphereスタジオへは行ったのですか?

John Douglas : Yes. We were there. for a few weeks in Autumn. New York was cold and rainy. Andy did a great job and it's a record we are very proud of.


Anorak Crumble : Carly Simon joined to sing for the song "Should I Pray" from the album "In the Music" as a backing vocalist and the song "The Town Foxes" was collaborated with Sunny Day Service. Why did you decide to record with them ?

Carly Simonがバック・ボーカリストとして"Should I Pray"で歌い"The Town Foxes"はSunny Day Serviceとのコラボレーションでしたね。何故、彼らと一緒にやることに決めたのですか?

John Douglas : We wanted to have Carly on a record because she is brilliant. She is a family friend of Andy Chase and thats why she entered our thoughts. Sunny Day Service were brought to our attention by our Japanese publisher and they sounded great so we were very happy to be asked by them to work together. It was a wonderful experience. One of the most magical things that happened.. opposite sides of the world coming together !! Magic !!

彼女は素晴らしいのでCarlyと録音したかったのです。彼女はAndy Chaseの家族の友人であり、それで僕達は考えました。Sunny Day Serviceは僕達の日本盤のパブリッシャーによって紹介され気になって、素晴らしいサウンドでしたので一緒に仕事をするように頼まれてとても嬉しく思いました。素晴らしい経験でした。最も不思議なことの1つ…一緒に出来るなんて!!マジック !!

Anorak Crumble : You worked with Simon Dine again for the "Wild Pendulum" album. Do you like his bands like Adventures In Stereo and Noonday Underground ?

"Wild Pendulum"アルバムではSimon Dineと再び共作しましたね。彼のバンドAdventures In StereoやNoonday Undergroundは好きですか?

John Douglas : Yes... Simon is a very creative guy. His work is fun... both of those acts use odd sounds put together in a clumsy but inventive way. Groovy.


だけど独創的な方法で、奇妙なサウンドを繋ぎ合わせたものを使っています。 グルービー。

Anorak Crumble : Long-awaited brand-new single "Ways" was just out few days ago ! Are you releasing the new album, too ? Please tell us about your future plans !


John Douglas :  We plan to release a full album at some point but its probably a while away. The Covid issues are ongoing and will affect all our future plans in unknown ways.. Its very difficult to think long term because things are so unknown.

フル・アルバムをリリースする予定ですが、おそらく暫く先です。 Covidの問題は進行中であり、僕達の将来の計画に影響を与えています。どうなるか分からない為、長期的に考えることはとても難しいです。

Anorak Crumble : I suppose you were often compared to The Smiths. Do you like them ? What kind of bands are you influenced by?

あなた達はThe Smithsと比較されることが多々あるかと思います。彼らのことを好きですか?どんなバンドに影響を受けていますか?

John Douglas : We all liked the Smiths. A great band. I guess we are mostly influenced by melodic guitar bands with good lyrics.

僕達は皆The Smithsが好きでした。素晴らしいバンド。僕達は歌詞の良いメロディックなギター・バンドの影響を受けていると思います。

Anorak Crumble : How's your life in Scotland ? Are there good venues, record shops, clubs etc.?


John Douglas : Life in Scotland is great. The tap water is delicious. The scenery is magical.  In general... the society, though it has some issues,  is at peace with itself. There are loads of great venues... record shops are a little harder to find... i wouldn't know about clubs.


Anorak Crumble : Please have a message for fans of you !


John Douglas :  I would like to thank you for joining us in our musical journey. We all hope you stay safe and sane. We hope and pray that one day soon we can all share the same room and enjoy the music together !!!


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