lundi 25 mai 2020

East River Pipe - Ah dictaphone & Make a deal with the city & She's a real good time

East River Pipe est F.M. Cornog (Frederick M. Cornog). Un cas à part, un joyau. Après un parcours de vie chaotique qui le mènera dans les années 80 jusque dans la rue, à New York, il peut compter sur une bonne étoile : Barbara Powers. Elle le repère alors qu'il fait la manche et le sort de son errance. Elle crée le label Hell Gate et publie un album-cassette et les premiers EP's d'East River Pipe au tout début des années 90. Son premier album sort aux Etats-Unis sur Ajax Records. Repéré par Sarah Records, il sort ensuite trois albums et deux singles avec le label de Bristol. Quand celui-ci cesse son activité, il trouve refuge chez Merge Records qui éditera tout ses albums et une grande majorité de ses singles suivants. Des disques tous enregistrés dans son home studio et qui font de lui l'un des plus grands songwriters américains. Le magazine Rolling Stone a dit de F.M. Cornog qu'il est "le plus doué des nouveaux solitaires". Quant au New York Times, le journal l'a décrit comme "le Brian Wilson de l'enregistrement maison". Rien que ça !

East River Pipe is F.M. Cornog (Frederic Cornog). A diamond in indie pop music history. In the end of the 80's, after a chaotic life-course that leads him to live in the street, he met in New York his lucky star : Barbara Powers. She created the label Hell Gate and published the first cassette-album and EP's from East River Pipe in the beginning of the 90's. His first album was released in the USA by Ajax Records. Then he signed to Sarah Records and released three albums and two singles with the label from Bristol. When Sarah Records stopped, he contracted with Merge Records who published all his other albums and most of his singles.All his songs were recorded from his home studio. F.M. Cornog is now considered as one of the best american songwriters. Rolling Stone wrote about him that he is "the most gifted of the new loners". And the New York Times, described him as "the Brian Wilson of the home recording". No less !

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